Project Pepper – the Next One!

Not the cover but something like it!

I often get questions about my next book and what’s happening, so I’ve added this page to my website. A writing workshop in the first half of 2021 motivated me to complete the draft, and the editing phase starts soon, with publication planned for the summer of 2022.

Project Pepper picks up almost immediately after Project Onion ended, but new readers shouldn’t have a problem following the story. Most of the characters are entirely new, and she’s on a solo assignment in Europe.

Chapter One kicks off with Kat on a plane flying to Copenhagen, Denmark, until there’s an unexpected stop in route. A hysterical Texan named Leroy from Big D is seated next to Kat. He’s headed to the wrong city, needs Kat’s help, and, well, lots of surprises are ahead.

How about some tasty looking red peppers with some sneaky green ones to chew on while you wait?

After some delays, Kat arrives in Copenhagen. She’s busy with work, aka Project Pepper, and has plenty to do so not much time to play tourist. But then again, things can change!

Jet lagged and worn out, no one greets Kat at the airport. Instead, a grumpy Danish cab driver drops her at the client’s house.

Here she goes! Except it is 2017 not 2020!

She rings the bell at her client’s house full of misgivings. Her client Inge isn’t home, but a mysterious man lets her in. At least El Rey or another criminal doesn’t answer the door, but is Inge’s nephew Stefan trustworthy?

The threesome go out and break some dark rye bread while savoring some herring at a local restaurant called Petersen’s Family Garden.

Here’s a link to the historic restaurant:

This place is a uniquely Danish place for local food, and I highly recommend it. I visited again recently to check my notes and memory. Book reviewers are a tough, demanding bunch, so I’m trying to get the few facts right even though this is fiction!

So that’s a bit of a teaser or an appetizer for what happens next. Maybe in mid-2022, when Project Pepper is out in the www, the world will be a safer place for all of us.

While I was in Denmark this summer visiting the in-laws, I also visited the Little Mermaid for inspiration.

Hans Christian Andersen was a genius!

I also visited the rebuilt Resistance Museum in Copenhagen for some more ideas. As they warned Danes during the occupation by the Nazis in World War II, “Don’t spread any further what you have heard …” So I’m stopping now. I really want it to surprise you!